DesignSeries.pngInserting windows



Tool set


Modes for The Symbol Insertion tool



Building Shell

        Shift+D (Windows)

        Option+Shift+W (Mac)

To insert a window:

1.      Click the tool and appropriate modes.

Alternatively, if placing a curtain wall window into a curtain wall, select a panel with the Edit Curtain Wall tool, and then right-click on the panel and select Insert Window from the context menu. The window is automatically inserted as a curtain wall window.

2.      Do one of the following:

        To use an existing window resource, click Active Def on the Tool bar. From the Resource Selector, locate the desired resource, and double-click to activate it.

Individual manufacturer catalog items cannot be selected using the Resource Selector; see Concept: Plug-in object styles and catalog items.

        To create a custom window, click Preferences. The Window Preferences dialog box opens. The settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters, which are listed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each pane and specify the window parameters. These parameters can be edited for placed windows from the Object Info palette in the Window Settings dialog box. Additional parameters are available from the Object Info palette itself, as described in Window properties.

3.      Click in the drawing area or in a wall (standard wall or curtain wall) to set the insertion point of the window, and click again to set the rotation. When inserting a window into a wall, place the second click on the exterior side of the wall to establish the exterior direction of the window. To change the direction of a window inserted in a wall, click Flip from the Object Info palette.

Several features of the window are described as “interior” or “exterior.” These include trim, shutters, and wall-wrap parts. These elements are determined based on the internal and external faces of the wall, not on the window’s exterior direction. The left side of the wall (as viewed along the wall direction) is always “exterior,” and the right side is “interior” (see Wall direction). Flipping the window does not flip these elements.

If you are inserting a corner window, place the window in a wall that is attached to another wall. Once parameters are set, the window moves to the nearest corner automatically. This represents one half of the corner window assembly.


Window settings

Creating plug-in object styles allows you to create plug-in objects with a combination of parameters that are determined by the manufacturer’s catalog item, by style or by instance. Catalog parameters have a fixed value established by the manufacturer and cannot be edited by the user. Style parameters have a fixed value established by the style; instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing (see Concept: Plug-in object styles).

Window settings: General pane

Window settings: 2D Visualization pane

Window settings: 3D Visualization pane

3D Visualization options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration.

Window settings: ID Tag pane

Window settings: Corner Window pane

Corner Window options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Jamb and Sash pane

Jamb and Sash options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration.

Window settings: Sill pane

Sill options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Louvers pane

Louver options are not enabled for the Cased Opening and Opening Sash configurations. Fixed Glass is the recommended Sash configuration. To use louvers in a corner window, select Mitered Sash or Corner Post for the Corner Condition.

Window settings: Transom pane

Transom options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Trim pane

Trim options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Lintel pane

Lintel options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Muntins pane

Muntin options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes.

Window settings: Interior Shutters pane

Interior Shutter options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Exterior Shutters pane

Exterior Shutter options are not enabled for the Opening Sash configuration or for non-rectangular window shapes, or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Centerline Marker pane

Centerline Marker options are not enabled for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Interior Wall Detail pane

Interior Wall Detail options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Exterior Wall Detail pane

Exterior Wall Detail options are not enabled for non-rectangular window shapes or for curtain wall windows.

Window settings: Classes pane

The visibility of the overall 3D window is controlled by the Class setting from the Object Info palette; part settings are controlled from the Window Settings dialog box.

Arch.pngWindow settings: Energos pane

Windows play a critical role in energy analysis calculations. Energy is lost through the window glass, but energy is also gained by solar radiation through the window glass. Accurately determining the R-Value/U-Value and the shading factor is essential for the overall energy analysis.

Vectorworks Architect is required to conduct an energy analysis; however, energy-related parameters can be specified here for informational purposes.

Window settings: Data pane

Certain data fields represent calculated values and cannot be edited; as a result, the Field Name and Field Value are grayed for those data fields.



Window properties

Creating window schedules

Creating a custom window sash opening

Energos energy analysis module

Window terminology specific to the United Kingdom

Wall display with design layer cut plane enabled

Setting design layer properties


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