Edit the properties of selected straight or round walls and their components, as well as curtain walls, from the Object Info palette. To change the wall attributes, use the Attributes palette. Certain parameters are available for standard walls or for curtain walls only. Settings on the Render tab are not available for curtain walls, since the textures of frames and panels are specified separately. Use the Edit Curtain Wall tool to adjust the frames and panels of curtain walls.
to show/hide the parameters.
The Vectorworks Architect product allows a cut plane elevation to be set and enabled for the design layer; see Setting design layer properties. The layer cut plane applies to several drawing objects, including standard walls, curtain walls, wall features, and objects inserted into the wall.
When the design layer cut plane is enabled, the following rules apply:
● Walls are drawn only to the extents intersected by the layer cut plane. The contour at the cut plane is drawn as an outline only, using the Pen attribute, emphasizing the cut plane while still allowing the components to be seen.
● Low walls (with tops below the cut plane) and wall features below the cut plane are drawn with the Below Attributes Class selected from the Attributes Below Cut Plane list in the Wall Attributes dialog box, or by the extents attributes set for below the cut plane for wall features.
● Walls seen from above are always drawn with caps and do not show the divisions between components.
● Wall breaks (joins) are drawn only when both walls in the join area intersect the cut plane.
● Windows and doors inserted into a wall are drawn normally when they are at the cut plane elevation, and with a simplified, non-breaking appearance when they do not intersect the cut plane elevation. Windows can have a different “clerestory” appearance when the Clerestory option is enabled in the Window settings: 3D Visualization pane.
● Objects inserted into the wall that are at the cut plane are shown drawn in the wall. Objects that are inserted below the cut plane, but that do not intersect the cut plane, are drawn with dashed lines.