Use the Space tool’s Preferences to set the default parameters for space objects before you create them, including the label style, automatic numbering, boundary calculations, and graphic attributes. To control the display of spaces, you can set default classes for the label, label leader line, graphic attributes, and the entire space object. Preference settings are an easy way to apply common, consistent settings to all spaces.
The space’s 2D graphic attributes are not taken from the Preferences settings. Instead, set the appropriate fill and pen styles in the Attributes palette before you create the spaces.
Creating plug-in object styles allows you to create plug-in objects with a combination of parameters that are determined by style or by instance. Style parameters have a fixed value established by the style; instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing (see Concept: Plug-in object styles).
Once the spaces have been created, use the Object Info palette to edit the properties of individual spaces, including space name and occupant, room finishes, and any additional data attached to the space. To access the full set of space properties, click the Settings button to open the Space Settings dialog box.
The properties that are available from the Object Info palette are determined by the Advanced Settings pane on the Space Settings dialog box. See Space settings: Advanced Settings pane for details.
To reduce the time required to regenerate space objects after properties are edited, Vectorworks only regenerates the space components that are changing and only recalculates the bounds of the spaces if necessary. To force the complete regeneration of edited space objects, select Tools > Utilities > Reset all Plug-Ins.
The settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters. Select each group of parameters from the list in the left pane of the dialog box; the parameters display in the center pane.
The right pane of the dialog box always displays a preview of the space label based on the current settings. To edit the appearance of any of the space labels (for example, to change the font size or the pen color), click the label’s Edit Layout button at any time.
A few controls can be edited directly from the Object Info palette, as described in Space properties.
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to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
Many parameters on this pane are available only if the space is connected to adjacent walls.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
As many as three space labels can be independently formatted and positioned for each space. The Space Label 1 pane is available by default; to add the Space Label 2 and Space Label 3 panes to the dialog box, select Enable multiple labels on the Advanced Settings pane (see Space settings: Advanced Settings pane).
to show/hide the parameters.
Parameters to position the leader line for space label 1 are available by default; leader line parameters for space labels 2 and 3 are available only if Enable multiple labels is selected on the Advanced Settings pane. The leader lines’ class and appearance are set on the 2D Attributes pane (see Space settings: Graphic Attributes pane).
to show/hide the parameters.
These settings apply to the space object only; the space label is a symbol, which can be edited as described in Editing existing space labels.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.
Once the room finish information is entered, add the Room Finish Schedule to the drawing file.
to show/hide the parameters.
In addition to the energy analysis space information located on the Energos Project Setting panes, individual space settings control the space’s participation in the energy analysis calculations.
to show/hide the parameters.
to show/hide the parameters.