Click the Plant Data pane to view the additional plant information.
The plant data parameters are listed; each one can be clicked and its Value displays below the list. Click Edit to change the value.
As described in Concept: Plant style and plant data integration, if either Update the Plant catalog with Vectorworks Plant style changes or Update the Plant Database with Vectorworks Plant style changes is selected in the Choose Plant Data Source dialog box, the associated plant catalog (or plant database) automatically updates with any changes made on the Plant Data pane.
If you are using a plant database file from a version of Vectorworks prior to 2018, the synchronization of images between the plant style and the plant database cannot occur even when using the Migration Manager during the version update, because the older plant database file does not include the new functionality. To fix this issue, export the records in the plant database with the File > Export Records plant database command. Then import the records back into the plant database with the File > Import Records plant database command.
Up to four plant images can be selected from the Data pane. The images can be synchronized with the images in the plant catalog or plant database; see Accessing the plant catalogs or Editing plant records. The fourth option, Custom Image, is not populated by default in the plant database, so it is useful for including an additional graphic in the plant style.
Other image sources, besides those from the plant catalog or database, can be specified from the Plant Data pane. If not using plant images from the plant style or the plant catalog/database, prepare image files or create/locate a suitable image resource.
To set the plant data image source:
1. In the Plant Style: Plant Data pane, scroll to the Image Plant Form, Image Detail, Image Misc, and Custom Image parameters.
2. Click on each one to set its image source. Set Image becomes available; click to specify the image for tag display.
The Set Plant Data Image dialog box opens. Specify the location of the plant image.
to show/hide the parameters.
When an image source has been specified, <image> displays in the Value column of the Plant Data pane. The plant images are synchronized with the plant catalog or database. For this reason, the selection may change to Plant Image regardless of the original selection. For example, if you import an external file for the Image Detail, the plant catalog or database is updated with this image for the Detail Image. In the Set Plant Data Image dialog box, the setting switches to Plant Image since the image now originates from the catalog or database.
To prevent image and plant data synchronization between the associated plant catalog/database and the plant style, deselect either Update the Plant catalog with Vectorworks Plant style changes or Update the Plant Database with Vectorworks Plant style changes (see Selecting the plant data source).
3. Display images in the drawing within plant tags by Creating a custom plant tag, and add them to worksheets by Inserting images in worksheet cells.
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