Angular dimensioning


The Angular Dimension tool is in the Dims/Notes tool set (all workspaces) and the Basic palette (Spotlight and Landmark workspaces).

The Angular Dimension tool measures and dimensions angles. Dimension the angle between two object edges, between two sides of a single object, between a single object and a reference line, or between two reference lines.

This tool works with all objects with linear or planar sides, including rounded and rotated rectangles, lines, polylines, polygons, and solids. It does not, however, work with circles, ovals, or arcs. In addition, it cannot dimension between parallel lines or lines on different planes.


If the Snap to Working Plane option on the Snapping palette is enabled, the face of the object being dimensioned must be parallel to the working plane.




Dimensions the angle between two object edges or faces

Reference Line and Edge

Dimensions the angle between an object and a reference line

Reference Lines

Dimensions the angle between two reference lines

Dimension Standards

To change the dimension standard for new dimensions created in the document, select a standard from the list; select Custom Standards to create or manage custom dimensions (see Using custom dimension standards)


Angle between two object edges or faces

Angle between one reference line and an object

Angle between two reference lines

Editing dimensions

Associative dimensioning


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