Angle between one reference line and an object



Workspace: Tool set


Reference Line and Edge


Angular Dimension


        Fundamentals, Architect: Dims/Notes

        Landmark, Spotlight: Basic and Dims/Notes

. (period)

To dimension an angle between one reference line and an object:

1.      Click the tool and mode, and then select a Dim Std (dimension standard).

2.      Click to set the start of the reference line.

A reference line preview displays.

3.      Click again to set the end of the reference line.

The cursor changes to a pointing hand.

4.      Click the edge of the object (and, therefore, angle) to dimension.

An angular dimension preview displays.

To select a different angle—for example, spanning the opposite direction—move the cursor until the preview displays the desired angle.

5.      When the preview displays the desired angle, click again to draw the reference line and to define the angle of the dimension.



Angular dimensioning

Editing dimensions


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