DesignSeries00017.pngSpecifying update settings

Setting update frequency



Update Settings

Tools > Database

Database or Vectorworks file updates can be executed automatically or manually. The update settings control the frequency of automatic updates, or only permit manual updates.

If there are problems connecting to the database, an error message provides troubleshooting information. Click Details to open a log file in the default text editor application. The log file provides further information to help diagnose connection errors.

To specify update settings:

Select the command. The Update Database Settings dialog box opens. Specify the update parameters.

Manually updating the database



Update External Database

Tools > Database

If the record fields have been changed for objects with linked fields to a database table, and the link type for the field is set to Read/Write or Write Only, the drawing data can update the database table data.

To update the database:

Select the command.

Manually updating the Vectorworks file



Update Vectorworks Document

Tools > Database

If database information has changed, and the link type for connected record fields is Read/Write or Read Only, the information can be automatically sent to the Vectorworks file, updating the record fields of all object instances connected to the database.

To update the record fields of all object instances connected to the database:

Select the command.


Database setup

Database connection

Record format database connection

Object database connection

Database-Vectorworks communication


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