DesignSeries00009.pngObject database connection

The final step in setting up a database connection is to connect object instances to the database. The procedure for connecting a single object follows. If you are connecting multiple objects, see Multiple object connection.

Once connected, the connection can be edited. The connection can also be removed.

Single object connection



Object Connection

Tools > Database

To connect a database to an object:

1.      Select an object.

2.      On the Data tab of the Object Info palette, click the box for the selected format to attach the record format to the object instance. (See Attaching record formats to symbols and objects.)

The Record Fields display with default values from the record format.

3.      Select the command. Alternatively, click Object Database Connection from the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

The Object Database Connection dialog box opens. If a row was previously selected for the object, it appears highlighted and bolded.


4.      Click Use Selected Database Table Row, and then select the appropriate row for the selected object.

The record fields are populated from the database table for the record instance attached to the object.


Multiple object connection

Editing object connections

Removing object connections

Database setup

Database connection

Record format database connection

Specifying update settings

Concept: Record formats, reports, and schedules

Database-Vectorworks communication


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