A gradient is a set of two or more colors that blend smoothly into one another, or into a different opacity. Gradients are defined and stored in the Resource Manager.
To create a gradient definition:
1. From the Resource Manager, click New Resource, select Gradient, and then click Create. Alternatively, from the Resource Manager, select Gradients from the list of resource types on the tool bar, and click New Gradient.
The Gradient Editor dialog box opens.
2. Specify a name for the gradient resource, and select the segment starting and ending colors and their opacity settings. Gradients can consist of several segments and more than two colors. To create a gradient with more than two colors, click in the color spot area. This adds a color spot and midpoint to the gradient. Each color spot has an opacity value.
Specify the location of a selected color spot or midpoint by dragging it into position, or entering its position in the Position field.
to show/hide the parameters.
Gradients are saved in Vectorworks drawing files. If the file is not saved and the gradient is not default content, the gradient is lost when you exit the program.