Animating Drawings


Two types of animations can be created from a Vectorworks 3D drawing—orbit point and move along path. The orbit point animator rotates by a specified number of degrees around a 3D object or selected point in the drawing. The move along path animator moves through the 3D drawing, following a specified path.

In Perspective view, only the portion of the model within the perspective frame (see Cropped and Uncropped Perspective Views) is visible in the animation.

Windows-generated and Mac-generated movies can be viewed on either platform. Simply double-click the file to open it, or open it from your preferred viewer.

On Mac and Windows 7/8 platforms, an .mov (MPEG4) file with H.264 compression is created; on Windows XP and Vista an avi file with optional MJPEG compression is created.


Creating Orbit Point Animations

Creating and Editing Move Along Path Animations

Adding Text or Title Screens to Animations