ArchLand00025.pngStair properties

All of the stair parameters can be edited by clicking Settings from the Object Info palette. Some stair parameters can be edited directly from the Object Info palette; specific tabs on the Stair Settings dialog box can be accessed directly from the Object Info palette by clicking 2D Graphics, Construction, Railings, or Graphic Attributes.

The stair object’s General Geometry parameters from the Stair Settings General tab and the total number of risers display on the Object Info palette as static text for quick reference. These parameters must be edited on the Stair Settings dialog box.

Stair parameters are described in the sections that describe individual tabs in the Creating a stair section of the help.


Stair settings: General tab

Stair settings: Geometry tab

Stair settings: 2D Graphics tab

Stair settings: Construction tab

Stair settings: Railings tab

Stair settings: Graphic Attributes tab

Transferring stair properties

Setting design layer properties

Stair geometry errors


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