ArchLand00024.pngSpecifying hardscape joint patterns

The Vectorworks Architect and Landmark product   s offer a variety of joint pattern options from the Hardscape Object Settings dialog box (see Creating hardscape objects). Available options depend on which component of the hardscape is selected.

Specifying a hatch, stipple, or tile joint pattern

Hatch, stipple, and tile joint patterns are available for both the main and border hardscape areas.

1.      To specify a hatch, stipple, or tile joint pattern, select the resource type from the Joint Pattern list.

The Choose Fill dialog box opens.

2.      Click Pick a Resource to open the Resource Selector; double-click a resource to activate it.

The selected resource’s name displays beneath the Joint Pattern list.


Specifying a flagstone or pavers joint pattern

If Flagstone, Pavers-Grid, or Pavers-Running is selected for the main joint pattern, the Set Joint Pattern Options dialog box opens. Set the parameters.


Specifying a radial joint pattern

If Pavers-Radial is selected for the main joint pattern (Boundary Configuration required), the Set Radial Pattern Options dialog box opens. Set the parameters.

Radial pavers can be used with any shape hardscape that has a Boundary Configuration. The hardscape boundary clips the circular pattern to fit.


Specifying a curved path joint pattern

If Pavers-Curved Path is selected for the main joint pattern (Pathway Configuration required), the Set Curved Path Pattern Options dialog box opens. Set the parameters.


Specifying a spaced joint pattern

If Spaced Joints is selected for the border joint pattern, the Enter Value dialog box opens. Enter the desired joint spacing value.



Concept: Hardscape fills and joint patterns

Editing hardscape fills and joint patterns

Editing hardscape objects



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