ArchLand00067.pngEditing sloped hardscapes

If a slab hardscape is set to slope, specify the slope properties in the Object Info palette and/or by adjusting slope indicator control points and reshaping the hardscape corners in a 3D view.

        Select the method of defining the slope from the Slope Def list in the Object Info palette, and specify the slope parameters. The slope parameters do not display for a Slope Def of None. As values are entered in the Object Info palette, the other parameters are automatically calculated and displayed.

        A banked slope can be contoured. The reference elevation control point indicates the start elevation of the hardscape, and the dashed line that passes through the reference elevation control point represents a constant elevation along the line. The dashed line indicates and controls the Contour Angle in the Object Info palette; it is only visible when the hardscape is selected with the Selection tool, and it does not print. All the points on the line are at the same elevation; move the contour angle control points to define how the hardscape is banked along the hardscape slope. The contour angle must always be between 1 and 90 degrees of the slope vector (the banked contour cannot be parallel or perpendicular to the hardscape slope).

        In addition to the hardscape slope, up to two custom slope axes can be specified: Slope A and Slope B. Slope arrows can be displayed on the hardscape to indicate the slope angles of the main slope and the two custom axes; select Show Slope, Show Slope A, and/or Show Slope B. The slope arrows are interactive; move a control point to adjust the slope direction, and the slope at that location is displayed. The control points of the slope arrows are only visible when the hardscape is selected with the Selection tool, and they do not print.

        The Object Info palette displays the Elevation at End so that hardscapes that meet at the bottom of a slope can be set to the same ending elevation. The planes for two hardscapes match when their contour lines are parallel, and the starting point of one hardscape is on the plane of the other hardscape.

        In Top/Plan view, select the control points of the slope arrows or the contour angle indicator, to interactively display the slope at that location. Changes to the slope values in the Object Info palette affect all the slope parameters. To set the slope plane, change the slope and the contour angle, or change slope A and slope B.

        In Top/Plan view, the Reshape tool changes the shape of the hardscape. If the hardscape is set to slope, use the Reshape tool in a 3D view to adjust the elevation at the corners of the hardscape.


Editing hardscape objects

Creating hardscapes


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