ArchLand00050.pngSurface sculpting mode



        Edit Existing Site Model Surface

        Edit Proposed Site Model Surface

Context menu

Sculpting of either the existing or proposed site model is possible within surface sculpting mode.

To access the surface sculpting mode:

1.      Select the relevant command for the site model.

Alternatively, select the site model and click either Edit Existing Site Model Surface or Edit Proposed Site Model Surface from the Object Info palette, or select the Edit context menu command, and click the relevant editing mode from the Choose Component dialog box.

2.      In surface sculpting mode, available tools display in a special Surface Sculpting palette. This palette is only available within the surface sculpting mode.

If the site model view was Top/Plan before editing, the view changes to Top view, but otherwise, the view remains unchanged. The site model’s appearance or rendering may temporarily change to maximize editing, but will revert to the original appearance and view when exiting the editing mode. Site modifiers are visible, but they cannot be selected or edited.

3.      When the surface is sculpted, click the Exit Existing Site Model Surface or Exit Proposed Site Model Surface button (or select the identically-named commands from the Modify menu) to apply the changes and return to the drawing.

Any site modifiers are reapplied to the site model.


Sculpting the site model surface

Adding a site model surface vertex

Creating a swale or berm on the site model surface

Sculpting the site model terrain

Object editing mode


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