Land00108.pngCreating grade limits automatically


Workspace: Path

Create Grade Limits from Pad

        Designer: AEC > Terrain

        Landmark: Landmark

Because grade limits are often associated with a pad or other type of site modifier, the Vectorworks Landmark product can create grade limits automatically around a site modifier, based on specific parameters. Grade limits can be created with a gradual sloping transition from the existing site contours to the modifier, placed at a variable or fixed distance from the modifier. The grade limits cut and fill the site model to create a constant slope (batter slope).

To create grade limits automatically around one or more site modifiers:

1.      Select the site modifiers which require the grade limits. Valid modifiers include pads, road objects, massing models, and landscape walls.

2.      Select the command.

The Create Grade Limits from Pad dialog box opens. Select the grade limit parameters.

3.      To reflect the grade limit modification, select the site model and click Update from the Object Info palette.



Creating a pad or pad with retaining edge

Updating a site model

Site model modification overview


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