Creating planar caps




Create Planar Caps

Model > 3D Power Pack

        Ctrl+Alt+Q (Windows)

        Cmd+Option+Q (Mac)

The Create Planar Caps command closes off the ends of open-ended solids by creating planar NURBS surfaces. These surfaces can then be added to the rest of the object with the Add Solids command.

To create planar caps:

1.      Select the open-ended solid.


2.      Select the command.

Planar NURBS surfaces are created to close off the ends of the solid.


3.      If desired, add the solid and the planar cap surfaces by selecting them all and selecting Model > Add Solids.


Creating a loft surface

Creating surfaces from curves

Creating a drape surface

Creating a fillet surface

Creating a NURBS surface by revolving a profile along a rail

NURBS surface properties

Concept: NURBS curves and surfaces


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