Resource name conflict

When you import or export resources or resource folders between files, there may be a name conflict with a resource/folder that already exists in the target file. The conflict must be resolved before the operation can continue. Conflicts can happen when you select the Import or Export command from the Resource Manager, or when you copy and paste an object that has an associated resource.

If a conflict occurs, the Resource Name Conflict dialog box opens automatically.

        If the resources are of different types (a hatch and a tile, for example), rename the new resource, or cancel the operation.

        If the resources are of the same type, select one of the following options.

        Replace the existing resource.

        (Record formats only) Merge the formats. Any incoming record field name that is not in the existing format will be added. If an incoming record field’s name and type match an existing field, the new data is transferred into the existing field. If an incoming record field’s type does not match the existing field, the data is converted to match the existing field, if possible. If the data cannot be converted, the existing value remains unchanged.

        Rename the new resource.

        Use the existing resource (do not import the new resource).


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