DesignSeries00020.pngEditing sketch styles




Sketch Options

View > Rendering

        Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S (Windows)

        Cmd+Shift+Option+S (Mac)

Edit the settings for the pre-defined sketch styles as needed. To create a custom sketch style, enter a unique name.

Sketch styles do not display in the Resource Manager until a sketch-related option is selected the first time.

To edit a sketch style:

1.      Select the command.

The Sketch Options dialog box opens.

2.      Select a style and click Edit.

3.      The Sketch Style Editor dialog box opens. The preview graphic provides help with editing.

Alternatively, from the Resource Manager, right-click on the resource, and select Edit from the context menu. Sketch styles can also be deleted and/or replaced from the Resource Manager (see Deleting or replacing resources).


Sketch rendering

Creating custom sketch styles


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