Importing Rhino 3DM



Import Rhino 3DM (3D only)

File > Import

Vectorworks can import Rhino objects (Rhino 5 and earlier).

During Rhino 3DM import:

        Points are imported as a group of 3D loci.

        NURBS curves are imported as a group of NURBS curves.

        NURBS surfaces are imported as a group of NURBS surfaces.

        Closed solids are imported as a group of imported solids

        Open solids are imported as a group of NURBS surfaces.

        If there is only one element in the Rhino 3DM file, it is imported as a single element rather than grouped.

Imported solids cannot be ungrouped or edited through the Edit Group command; they can be used in solid operations.

To import a Rhino 3DM file:

Select the command and then the file to import.


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