On the Usage Profile pane, the choice of Residential or Non Residential from the Building Type list determines which parameters display on the Usage Electricity pane.
Select the electrical equipment that is used within the building, and for each selected item, indicate whether it is inside or outside of the building’s thermal envelope. Appliances that are outside of the thermal envelope participate differently in the energy calculations, since they still consume electricity, but do not contribute to the heat gain.
Specify the equipment system for each participating appliance.
The equipment system list for electrical equipment and appliances can be modified; see Specifying system sets.
If electricity usage is offset by the ability to generate electricity on-site, select On Site Electricity Generation and choose the generation method. Specify the planned annual electrical energy generated by the system.
For non-residential projects, create a list of equipment that uses electricity and specify the usage parameters for each. Similar to residential projects, if there is a method of generating electricity on the building site, specify its parameters since the energy usage is offset.
to show/hide the parameters.