Radial dimensioning outside circle/arc



Workspace: Tool set


External Radial


Radial Dimension


        Fundamentals, Architect: Dims/Notes

        Landmark, Spotlight: Basic and Dims/Notes

, (comma)

The External Radial mode measures and dimensions the radius of a circle or arc, and places the dimension outside the object.

To create a radial dimension outside of a circle or arc:

1.      Click the tool and command, and then select a Dim Std (dimension standard).

2.      From the Tool bar, specify where to place the measurement.

To place it to the right of the leader line, click Right-Hand Shoulder mode. To place it to the left of the line, click Left-Hand Shoulder mode.

3.      Click on or within the arc or circle to dimension.

4.      Move the cursor to preview the dimension line location.

5.      Click to place the dimension.



Radial dimensioning

Editing dimensions


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