ArchLand00050.pngDrawing Property Lines

Use the Property Line tool to draw property lines. Alternatively, use one of the following methods.

     Draw a polyline and then select the Create Objects from Shapes command (see Creating Objects from Shapes).

     Draw arcs and lines, select Modify > Compose to create a single polyline, and then select the Create Objects from Shapes command.

Property Line Tool

The Property Line tool interactively creates property boundaries from surveyor’s descriptions. The resulting polyline is composed of line and/or arc segments. The closing error can be automatically drawn and measured. Each segment can be individually labeled with distance and bearing; a curve data worksheet displays curve data.


To create property lines using the Property Line tool:

1. Click the Property Line tool from the Site Planning tool set.

2. Click to set the starting point of the first property segment.

A red bull’s-eye is placed on the drawing to mark the starting point; the Define Property Line dialog box opens.

3. Specify the segment parameters and click Add to update the drawing file; the bull’s-eye cursor moves to the end of the segment. Continue to add or remove segments as needed.

4. Click OK to create the property line.

If this is the first time the Property Line tool has been used, the Object Preferences dialog box opens. Accept the defaults and click OK.



Editing Property Lines