Spot00059.pngNumbering Instruments Manually 

Instruments do not have to be numbered according to the lighting position’s automatic numbering feature. The Number Instruments command provides a method of numbering instruments by unit number and other parameters that automatically increment. In addition, the command can automatically increment several other instrument parameter fields.

Numbering Selected Instruments

To number selected instruments manually:

1. Select the instrument(s) to be numbered.

2. Select Spotlight > Number Instruments.

The Number Instruments dialog box opens.

3. Click OK.

The selected instruments are numbered, and any fields automatically specified, in the selected direction.

Numbering Instruments by Clicking

To number instruments manually in the order they are selected:

1. Select Spotlight > Number Instruments.

2. Specify the field and numbering parameters as described in Numbering Selected Instruments.

3. In the Direction list, select Manual (the manual direction is selected automatically if no instruments were selected).

4. Click OK, and click the instruments to be numbered one by one. To stop numbering instruments, click in an empty area of the drawing.


Instrument Numbering

Editing Lighting Instruments